About us

KaLUG 是由一群熱愛 Open Source 的 朋友 所組成的團體.
歡迎參加我們的 聚會 ,Topic 題目不限,好玩就好。
歡迎加入我們的 KaLUG 星球!

English version
Kaohsiung Linux User Group (Kalug) is the group formed by friends who loves open source software.
Welcome to join our bee, No limitation for topics, Just for fun.
Welcome to join our planet! Please leave your blog url in the below disqus!


Telegram 為目前 KaLUG 成員平常主要的聯絡方式。
Invite Link: https://kalug.linux.org.tw/telegram

Contact US
We communicate with each others using Telegram application.
Invite Link: https://kalug.linux.org.tw/telegram

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